
This is the website of Wolfgang Hennerbichler, also known as wogri.

On these pages you will find mostly infos around the operating system Linux, but also some personal things about me. I am an IT technician with a strong focus on Unix Systems, I like to ride on a unicycle and a trialbike. In case you want to contact me get my contact information in the About me section.

picture of myself


No more typo3
I was able to get rid of typo3 completely finally. I think it's too big for my requirements, and the upgrade path was full of errors. The webpage now runs on the static site generator middleman.
Login is back!
For all you wogri.at users - Finally we have the login button back. You can use it by clicking the button on the upper Right Corner. There you can define your vacation and spam settings, and change your password.
Last Update: 10.8.2015